Il grande tour nelle Alpi 2018 – VI

Bruck-Fusch – Königsee – Brehna

DAY 7: 6.9.2018

We wake up to another day of great weather. The sun shines on the mountains in the south when we at half past nine next morning head for Königsee. I’ve never been there, just seen the sea from the road up to the Kehlsteinhaus, Hitler’s cottage in the mountains at Berchtesgaden also called Eagle’s Nest. Now it is time to take a closer look.

A light haze lies over the fields north of Busch-Fusch. We ride the B311 through Zell am See and continue north to B178. This turns into B21 as we enter Germany. At Fornau we enter the B305 and continue to Berchtesgaden. There is a lot of traffic today, and when we get to Königsee, the parking lots are already full. We have already spent more time getting here than expected and after a brief consultation and find that; No, this is not for us.

Kehlsteinhaus sett fra Königsee.
The Kehlsteinhaus as seen from the Königsee.
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I take some pictures of Hitler’s «cabin» then we are back on our route ant stick the same road as we came and ride B305 to B306 at Zwingsee. Now we stay on the smaller roads and ride through Siegsdorf, Matzing and Palling Wiesmühl in the Alz where we continue north on B299 until we pass the Inn river and enter the A94 west, to exit 20 where we take off north on B299 again. We ride to Landshut and then take the B15 north and enter the A93 south of Regensburg. The Bundesstrasse and smaller roads take longer than the highway, but here is entertaining riding and the small towns are no to many, so if your schedule is not to tight, this alternative to the Autobahn is highly recommended. But from now on it is Autobahn for the rest of the day and only event is refueling and change from A93 to A72 and to A9 which takes us to Brehna where we arrive at Hotel Bavaria approx. eight. A sad place to stay, but on a transport stage it is OK.

Todays distance: 682 km – 426 miles.

Brehna – Eskilstrup

DAY 8: Friday 7.9.2018

The next day Denmark and Højmølle Kro is our destination, and we are on the bikes by eight o’clock and the first leg to Magdeburg is on the A14. At Magdeburg, the A14 becomes B71, which we follow to Salzwedel, from there we drive B248 and then on we keep criss crossing on small roads trough small dorfs which would be perfect backgrounds for movies from the 60’s. There are partly rough roads and 90-degrees turns are common and many of the roads follow old land boundaries. The route can be highly recommended for anyone who is not in a hurry, and I am very pleased that we took the time for the small roads.

We will visit Lübeck and pick up the helmets Bror and Tom bought on the way south and things take time, so it is. When we ride off the ferry in Rødby, it is already six o’clock, but now we only have half an hour’s drive before we arrive. Højmølle Kro offers simple rooms, but has good food, and in the restaurant, we meet a bunch of happy Danes who are also on a motorcycle trip. They are such a large group that they have got their own menu – which of course is better than our standard menu for the day. So, remember: if you come as a large group, they have the option of a special menu.

Todays distanse: 503 km – 314 miles

Eskilstrup – Oslo

DAY 9: 8.9.2019

After a wonderful breakfast we are on the bikes at half past seven. Today is transport only. We rode over the Øresund Bridge on the way south, now we take the ferry from Helsingør to Helsingborg and get a little break on the ferry. Sweden does not offer any major events on the way north. We split at the picnic area at Femstenaberg and I am at home at approx. five o’clock.

We have done 4830 kilometres – 3015 miles in a week. We have not had any accidents and all the bikes have worked flawlessly. Some have experienced slightly higher oil consumption than expected, but otherwise there have been no problems. However, there was an eventful week as a whole, and the Alps are still tempting …

Todays distanse: 696 km – 434 miles
Total distance: 4827 km – 3013 mile

Read about the other stages on Il grande tour nelle Alpi 2018 here:
Day 1 + 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7 + 8 + 9.